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Cleeve Hill Course Planner - $41.00

Featuring exclusive artwork by Joe McDonnell
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This Cleeve Hill course planner was the result of an exclusive collaboration between the club, Sounder and the acclaimed golf artist Joe McDonnell. Originally conceived for the 2023 Cleeve Festival of Golf, the planner proved so popular that we've created an updated edition for 2024.

Joe's artwork blends survey data and images captured via drones with computer-enhanced graphics to create hole-by-hole illustrations that capture the unique landforms that make Cleeve such a unique place to play. The new 2024 edition provides a double-page spread for every hole so you can enjoy every detail of Joe's work, accompanied by text from Sounder's very own Eddy Mason - a man who knows every inch of the course intimately.

This booklet is much more than just a course planner - it's a celebration of everything that makes Cleeve such a special place to play.