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The Silver Bullet $986.00

Regular price

The Silver Bullet - $986.00

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Key features
  • Sonartec SS3.5 3-wood
  • Prototype Tour-only Project X Graphite shaft
  • Golf Pride Tour Velvet (ripped) grip with reduced taper
  • Custom paint job
  • Sounder fairway headcover
  • Absolute rocket launcher
Product details

The Silver Bullet is a cocktail comprising two staples of the British golf club - 50ml of gin, 30ml of Kummel. A couple of these really cuts through the long lunch with unlimited Claret, setting you up for the afternoon round. And for your opening tee shot, this is a club with a similar degree of potency.

The whole Sonartec story is one for another day. But rest assured, these ARE the best fairway woods ever made. I have made a personal commitment to acquire enough Sonartec heads to see out my days, an obsession that's beginning to rival my collection of Footjoy Classics.

The SS3.5 was one of the last models - a deep face, perfect shape and an absolute rocket launcher. Unfortunately I find that many of these heads never quite sit correctly, often sitting closed at address. Rest assured that this has been rectified and this now sits absolutely square.

We've done a custom paint job on this one, and paired with a prototype tour-only Project x Graphite shaft. Please see spec sheet for all the details.

1 / 6 +
2 / 6 +