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Monterey Long Sleeve Polo - Petrol Blue and Sun Yellow ₩118,000

Regular price Sale price
₩164,000   ₩118,000

Monterey Long Sleeve Polo - Petrol Blue and Sun Yellow - ₩164,000 ₩118,000

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Key features
  • Long sleeve Monterey Stripe polo
  • 100% organic cotton jersey
  • Sounder Half Star embroidered logo on chest
  • Engineered rib collar and cuff
  • Jersey hem to keep waist slim for flattering shape
  • Made in Portugal
Product details

Our ever-popular Monterey Polo range is named for the Monterey Peninsula, where the mighty Pacific Ocean meets the California coast. It's home to some of the world's most exclusive golf courses (Cypress Point, Pebble Beach and MPCC), but also to easily accessible public golf gems like Pacific Grove and Poppy Hills.

The horizontal design of our Monterey Stripe conjures images of the sun setting over clean lines of rolling surf. It's a look that's pure California - think the cast of the OC or the classic polos that Ashworth brought to golf in the nineties.

This long-sleeved version is perfect for protection from the UV when the sun’s out, or for layering up when the wind below. A tailored jersey hem helps to keep things snug around the waist, making for a flattering shape and keeps you looking smart even when worn untucked.

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