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Drawcord Good Walk Short - Soft Black €91,95

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Drawcord Good Walk Short - Soft Black - €91,95

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Key Features
  • Mid-weight 100% organic cotton
  • Garment-dyed for softness and character
  • Drawcord waistband 
  • Sounder star ball marker on the rear pocket
  • Made in Portugal
Product details

With an elasticated waistband and a flat front, the Drawcord Good Walk Chino is designed to be worn without a belt for a fit that's casual, contemporary and incredibly-comfy.

We live in these during the summer months - they are smart enough for the golf course but are equally at home in the garden or at the beach. The ever-popular Drawcord Short is available in a wide selection of colours and fabrics, but they all feature the same triple-seam construction and triple-stitch top seam, making them as durable as they are comfortable.

The finished item is garment-dyed - a process that means the shorts are coloured after manufacturing (as opposed to colouring the fabric beforehand). The result is a deep and long-standing colour that will age beautifully and add character with every wear and every wash.

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