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Play Well Polo - Cobalt ₩157,000

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Play Well Polo - Cobalt - ₩157,000

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Key features
  • 100% organic cotton pique
  • Sounder Star embroidery on chest
  • Engineered rib collar and cuff
  • Jersey hem keeps the waist slim for a flattering shape
  • Made in Portugal
Product details

The Sounder take on a classic pique polo cut from cotton pique that's cool and comfortable, the fresh new Cobalt Play Well Polo will keep you looking crisp on and off the course. Looks great teamed with our Good Walk Short in Stone for warmer days on the course.

This new colour keeps all the features that made our original Play Well Polo such a hit - engineered collar and placket, ribbed collar and cuff, and a jersey hem that holds the fabric snug around the waist, helping to eliminate the tell-tale untucked shirt that may see you fall foul of golf club dress codes. 

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