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Sounder Golf | Players' Journal

Introducing the Sounder Clubhouse at The Scores

The 150th Open Championship takes place at the Home of Golf this summer - and we're inviting you to join us at the heart of the action.
Introducing the Sounder Clubhouse at The Scores

There's nowhere in the world of golf quite like St Andrews. And there's no tournament in the world of golf quite like The Open.

With the 150th Open Championship taking place on the Old Course at St Andrews this summer, we knew we had to be there. So we're excited beyond belief to announce the opening of The Sounder Clubhouse at The Scores - a pop-up shop, bar, hotel and entertainment venue situation just a pitching wedge away from the first tee and the R&A Clubhouse.

The Sounder Clubhouse will be open before, during and after the week of the Open Championship. We're taking over the venerable Scores Hotel for the summer, and putting together a truly unique programme of activities and events, the like of which the Auld Grey Toon has never seen.

The Sounder Clubhouse will include...

The Sounder Pro Shop - a pop-up store, open to all every day, with great coffee, exclusive merch and a perfectly-curated selection of Sounder gear

The Sounder Clubhouse Bar - a public bar and beer garden just yards from the Old Course

The Garden Party - an exclusive ticket-only venue with great food from award-winning chefs, drinks, music, big screens and a curated programme of live entertainment - click here for more information and ticket sales

The After Party - as day turns to night, our venue will transform into the biggest party in town, with DJs, live music, artists, food, drinks and more - click here for more information and ticket sales

The Scores Hotel - a limited number of rooms in the hotel will be available before, during and after The Open. Please click here to book rooms, rates and availability.

We also have the opportunity to create bespoke experiences for groups and private events within the Sounder Clubhouse, including dinners.

We'll be announcing more details, ticket information and pricing in the coming days and weeks - for group bookings, media enquiries and partnership opportunities, please drop us a line:

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